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best way to find substring using regex in python 3

I was trying to find out the best way to find the specific substring in key value pair using re for the following:

eg: aba/101/11111/cde/xyz or aaa/111/1119/cde/xzx or ada/21111/5/cxe/yyz

here everything is variable and what I was looking for is something like below in key value pair:

`cde: 2` as there are two entries for cde

cxe: 1 as there is only one cxe

Note: everything is variable here except /. ie cde or cxe or some string will be there exactly after two / in each case

output: cde:xyz/blabla
input: aaa/111/1119/cde/xzx/blabla
output: cde:xzx/blabla
input: aahjdsga/11231/1119/gfts/sjhgdshg/blabla
output: gfts:sjhgdshg/blabla

If you notice here, my key is always the first string after 3rd / and value is always the substring after key


  • Here are a couple of solutions based on your description that "key is always the first string after 3rd / and value is always the substring after key". The first uses str.split with a maxsplit of 4 to collect everything after the fourth / into the value. The second uses regex to extract the two parts:

    inp = ['aba/101/11111/cde/xyz/blabla',
    for s in inp:
        parts = s.split('/', 4)
        key = parts[3]
        value = parts[4]
    import re
    for s in inp:
        m = re.match(r'^(?:[^/]*/){3}([^/]*)/(.*)$', s)
        if m is not None:
            key =
            value =

    For both pieces of code the output is
