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"Database" structure in XML file

So I have to define a "database" in an xml document that has to have a school, grades, rooms, courses and students and afterwards I have to write some classes in C# that has to get and save data to the xml file with the help of Deserialization and Serialization. But the problem is I don't know how I should structure the XML file, right now my file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>





But I have been wondering if this might be a better way:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


Or maybe there is some third way I'm overlooking, any help would be appreciated


  • This question is opinion-based. So, this is just my opinion:

    Choose the first layout and use attribute @IDs to link between them.
    For example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
         <Grade id="gr1">...</Grade>
         <Room id="rm1">...</Room>    
         <Course id="crs1">
           <RoomNr>rm1</RoomNr>  <!-- Referring to the Rooms/Room/@id rm1 -->
         <Student id="1">
           <Course>crs1</Course> <!-- Referring to the Courses/Course/@id crs1 -->

    This layout is easily query-able and changing the links won't significantly change the layout.

    For example (Because you tagged your question with ):

    • Retrieving all <Student>s can be done with the XPath-1.0 expression

    • Retrieving all <Student>s which visit a certain course (e.g. crs1)


    ...and so on.