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SourceCodeScanner not calling visitMethodCall

I'm playing with lint rules.
All my ResourceXmlDetector run without problems and pass all the tests. But Detector(), SourceCodeScanner are failing because they return 0 warnings/errors, and the reason is visitMethodCall not being called thus wont either.
My code is similar to android lint-checks, for instance CipherGetInstanceDetector, but I can't find my mistake.

class MySourceDetector : Detector(), SourceCodeScanner {

    override fun getApplicableMethodNames() = listOf("...")

    override fun visitMethodCall(context: JavaContext, node: UCallExpression, method: PsiMethod) {
        if (context.evaluator.isMemberInClass(method, "...")) {
            reportUsage(context, node)

    private fun reportUsage(context: JavaContext, node: UCallExpression) {
            issue = ISSUE,
            scope = node,
            location = context.getCallLocation(
                call = node,
                includeReceiver = true,
                includeArguments = true
            message = ISSUE.getExplanation(TextFormat.RAW)

    companion object {
        val ISSUE = Issue.create(...Scope.JAVA_FILE_SCOPE)

The only methods stopping in break points are Issue.create and getApplicableMethodNames(). What's missing?


  • I didn't think this was important but my test rule was:

                .files(TestFiles.kotlin("Test.kt", input).indented())

    And replacing kotlin("Test.kt", input) with kotlin(input) made it work...