By default a POSIX FIFO is opened in blocking mode. My problem is that when I open it in blocking mode it just freezes (blocks) and nothing else happens.
Originally I opened both sides with the RDWR flag and I had no problems because RDWR makes it nonblocking because "Under Linux, opening a FIFO for read and write will succeed both in blocking and nonblocking mode" ( But in nonblocking mode I sometimes get dropped records, so I need to open it in blocking mode.
Here's how I call mkfifo:
int64_t fifo_setup(char * fifo_name)
if (mkfifo(fifo_name, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH) == -1) {
return 0; }
My original call to open:
int64_t fifo_open(char * fifo_name, int64_t read_write) {
int c;
if (read_write == 1) {
c = open(fifo_name, O_RDWR);}
if (read_write == 2) {
c = open(fifo_name, O_RDWR);}
return (c);
Then I changed it to:
int64_t fifo_open(char * fifo_name, int64_t read_write) {
int c;
if (read_write == 1) {
c = open(fifo_name, O_WRONLY);}
if (read_write == 2) {
c = open(fifo_name, O_RDONLY);}
return (c);
My program reaches the open call for the writer threads (this is a NASM call to C):
lea rdi,[fifo_name]
mov rsi,1
call fifo_open wrt ..plt
mov [fifo_write_fd],rax
But then the Putty terminal freezes (blocks) and nothing else happens. I never get to the block that opens the reading side. Specifically it blocks just before it reaches perror("open") in the fifo_open code above:
According to the Linux man page at, "Normally, opening the FIFO blocks until the other end is opened also." That's great but I can't get to the code that opens the writer because the reader blocks all further progress. It's like a Mexican standoff.
Of course there must be a way but my research hasn't found it yet.
Thanks for any help on this.
Three options:
to change it to blocking mode.