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can't connect to tsserver

I'm writing a vscode extension that should connect to tsserver in order to provide language support for typescript/javascript.

Here is how i'm doing it (in extension.ts, inside activate):

const serverModule = path.resolve(

const debugOptions = { execArgv: ["--nolazy", "--inspect=6009"] };

const serverOptions: ServerOptions = {
  run: { module: serverModule, transport: TransportKind.ipc },
  debug: {
    module: serverModule,
    transport: TransportKind.ipc,
    options: debugOptions,

const clientOptions = {
  documentSelector: [
      scheme: "file",
      language: "typescript",

client = new LanguageClient(


But when I call client.onReady().then(() => client.sendRequest(...)); the request is not sent. I'm almost sure the problem is that the initialization phase is unsuccessful so the onReady() method is blocking me. How do I get it to work ?


  • tsserver does not use the language server protocol, it has its own json based protocol. You cannot connect to it using the language server protocol apis