I would like to change the default navigate up icon (back button icon) to my custom icon. I not using a drawer, just a simple toolbar and material components
Is this possible?
If you are using a Toolbar
to change the icon just use:
Toolbar toolbar = findViewById(R.id.xxx);
If you are using the ActionBar
you can use:
You can also change it overriding in your app theme the homeAsUpIndicator
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight">
<item name="homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/...</item>
If you are using the Navigation Components, currently there isn't a way to customize the HomeAsUpIndicator icon, and it is an expected behavior with the Up button displayed when you are on a non-root destination.
There is a workaround adding an addOnDestinationChangedListener
after your setup method and checking the destination.
Something like:
new NavController.OnDestinationChangedListener() {
public void onDestinationChanged(@NonNull NavController controller, @NonNull NavDestination destination, @Nullable Bundle arguments) {
if (destination.getId() == R.id.nav_xxx) {
//With ActionBar
//With a Toolbar