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Patching nant 0.91 to use mono 4.0

The Nant doesn't support mono 4, but fortunately there's a patch for it.

  1. I download the patch -
  2. I also download the source.
  3. I unzip the source and copy the patch inside the directory.
  4. I run patch < mono-4.0.diff, but I got this error.

    can't find file to patch at input line 8 Perhaps you should have used the -p or --strip option?

    The text leading up to this was:

    |Index: src/NAnt.Core/Functions/AssemblyFunctions.cs |=================================================================== |RCS file: /cvsroot/nant/nant/src/NAnt.Core/Functions/AssemblyFunctions.cs,v |retrieving revision 1.12 |diff -u -r1.12 AssemblyFunctions.cs |--- src/NAnt.Core/Functions/AssemblyFunctions.cs 10 Oct 2005 14:51:26 -0000 1.12

    |+++ src/NAnt.Core/Functions/AssemblyFunctions.cs 13 Mar 2011 09:14:40 -0000

    File to patch:

What might be wrong?


  • According to comments, this patch has been merged into the NAnt source tree, wouldn't you be better off to simply use the latest nightly? It's been built after the 'already merged' comment.