I have the following code which returns results for sub-organizations (of parent organizations) that do not have an address associated with them. However, this returns 2,000+ rows, many of which have 0 or 1 accounts associated with them.
What I'd like to do is edit the query to only show results where the number of accounts associated with the sub-organization is 2 or more.
In our database, the primary key relating the accounts and organizations tables in a JOIN statement is:
organizations.id = accounts.organization_id
and the primary key on the accounts table is accounts.id
I have tried to figure this out to no avail. If someone could please help provide a solution to limit the results to only sub-organizations with the number of accounts equal to or greater than 2.
organizations.id AS org_id,
organizations.name AS org_name,
parent.id AS parent_org_id,
parent.name AS parent_org_name
INNER JOIN organizations parent
organizations.parent_org_id = parent.id
LEFT JOIN addresses sub_addresses
sub_addresses.addressable_type = 'Organization'
AND sub_addresses.is_current = 1
AND sub_addresses.addressable_id = organizations.id
LEFT JOIN addresses p_addresses
p_addresses.addressable_type = 'Organization'
AND p_addresses.is_current = 1
AND p_addresses.addressable_id = parent.id
sub_addresses.id is null
You need one more join or subquery in where clause which will give you organizations with at least 2 or more accounts. Below is the join version.
FROM organizations p
INNER JOIN organizations o ON o.parent_org_id = p.id
INNER JOIN (Select a.organization_id,Count(distinct a.id) as num_of_accounts
FROM accounts a
GROUP BY a.organization_id
HAVING Count(distinct a.id) >= 2) accnts ON accnts.organization_id = o.id