Search code examples

GraphDB: use similarity search with embedded repository

I have been using GraphDB's (version 9.2) similarity search from the workbench. Now I also want to use this feature for an embedded repository using graphdb-free-runtime 9.2.1. However I have no clue how this feature can be used from the APIs provided by the runtime. My questions are:

Any hints or pointers are welcome.


  • You could add similarity plugin runtime, setting following "graphdb.extra.plugins" property to directory where similarity-plugin (you could find such into GDB instance -> dist/lib/plugins) is located , or:

    1. -Dgraphdb.extra.plugins=directory
    2. System.setProperty("graphdb.extra.plugins", "directory");

    You may create index programmatically using SPARQL or:

    to create similarity text index "allNews" execute following update:

    PREFIX : <>
    PREFIX inst: <>
    PREFIX pred: <>
    insert {
        inst:allNews :createIndex "-termweight idf" ;
            :analyzer "org.apache.lucene.analysis.en.EnglishAnalyzer" ;
            :documentID ?documentID .
            ?documentID :documentText ?documentText .
    } where {
        SELECT ?documentID ?documentText {
            ?documentID ?p ?documentText .

    to delete index "allNews" execute following update:

    PREFIX :<>
    PREFIX inst:<>
    insert { inst:allNews :deleteIndex '' } where {}

    to rebuild index "allNews":

    PREFIX :<>
    PREFIX inst:<>
    insert { inst:allNews :rebuildIndex '' } where {}

    followed by the create query!

    to list all created indexes, execute following query:

    PREFIX :<>
    PREFIX inst:<>
    select ?index ?status ?type
    where {
      ?index :status ?status .
      ?index :type ?type .