I have the following PBS script:
#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -l walltime=12:00:00,nodes=1:ppn=24,pmem=2580mb
conda activate msi_sip_37
module load parallel
parallel -u -j 3 < commands.txt
And the contents of commands.txt are:
python runs/process_img.py --n_jobs $n_jobs_procimg --msi_test True --idx_min $start+0 --idx_max $start+8
python runs/process_img.py --n_jobs $n_jobs_procimg --msi_test True --idx_min $start+8 --idx_max $start+16
python runs/process_img.py --n_jobs $n_jobs_procimg --msi_test True --idx_min $start+16 --idx_max $start+24
I [incorrectly] expect that $start
and $n_jobs_procimg
should be available to the commands in commands.txt, but when I run this job, I get the following error for each command in commands.txt:
usage: process_img.py [-h] [-n N_JOBS] [-m MSI_TEST] [-i IDX_MIN] [-d IDX_MAX]
process_img.py: error: argument -n/--n_jobs: expected one argument
How do I modify the parallel
command in the PBS script so that $start
and $n_jobs_procimg
are passed to commands.txt?
In this case, $start
should be an integer equal to 24 and $n_jobs_procimg
should be an integer equal to 8.
It's not relevant to my question, but for context the process_img.py script uses a multiprocessing pool that takes the number of processing cores and as an argument (--n_jobs
), and I want to have control over that based on the total number of processing cores I have available.
the variables:
#!/bin/bash -l
#PBS -l walltime=12:00:00,nodes=1:ppn=24,pmem=2580mb
export start
export n_jobs_procimg
conda activate msi_sip_37
module load parallel
parallel -u -j 3 < commands.txt