My PostgreSQL contains an enum like
create type my_type as enum('VAL1', 'VAL2')
in Spring boot app, it is represented by MyType.class enum
I'm trying to run a simple query using DatabasClient
client.exectute("select * from table where type = :type")...
As an error I'm getting:
ceptionFactory$PostgresqlBadGrammarException: operator does not exist: type = character varying
Casting type to my_type
doesn't work (both with CAST and ::)
I've already registered a specific codec for MyType.class
which works - querying all without conditions works with the relevant @ReadingConverter
Neither Spring Data R2DBC nor R2DBC Postgres can map your enum type to Postgres enum types.
You can still use Postgres enum types represented as strings if you properly cast the bind value/column value on retrieval in your SQL statement.
client.exectute("select type::text from table where type = :type::my_type")