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Which built-in abstract base classes support slicing?

The documentation of Python lists all the methods that implementations of abstract base classes should have very clearly at Slicing is however only sometimes implemented as part of __getitem__.

I would imagine all classes inheriting from Sequence would implement it, is that the case? Are there any other ways of knowing that an object supports slicing?

Edit: I also found in the documentation. It lists the methods as 'supported by most sequence types'.
I'll take that as 'Sequence types should implement slicing' and annotate using that.


  • In typeshed/typing.pyi, Sequence is typed as follows:

    class Sequence(_Collection[_T_co], Reversible[_T_co], Generic[_T_co]):
        def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> _T_co: ...
        def __getitem__(self, s: slice) -> Sequence[_T_co]: ...

    Any Sequence type should therefore support slicing. Slices are not indicated for other types in the typing module. A Mapping for example explicitly lists the key type of the mapping.