I've seen that usually, the mistake occurs when you use while inside of a while loop, however, it's not the case here, so I'm asking for help with this "common" mistake
The following part of the code is not important, probably you can just ignore it
crd = ['1 3', '2 3', '3 3', '1 2', '2 2', '3 2', '1 1', '2 1', '3 1']
inp = list(input('Enter cells:'))
wins = 0
result = False
def field(val):
for i in range(0, 9, 3):
print('| ' + '{} {} {}'.format(val[i], val[i+1], val[i+2]).replace('_', ' ') + ' |')
def win(con):
global wins
global result
if inp[0] == '_':
result = 'Impossible'
win_con = [[con[i], con[i+1], con[i+2]] for i in range(0, 9, 3)] \
+ [[con[i], con[i+3], con[i+6]] for i in range(0, 3, 1)]\
+ [[con[0], con[4], con[8]], [con[2], con[4], con[6]]]
for i in win_con:
if (set(i) == {'X'} or set(i) == {'O'}) and wins == 1:
result = 'Impossible'
elif set(i) == {'X'}:
result = 'X wins'
wins = 1
elif set(i) == {'O'}:
result = 'O wins'
wins = 1
if result == False:
result = 'Game not finished'
result = 'Draw'
Bellow is the part of the code with a loop that returns Infinite loop mistake (as far as I understood the mistake is in def move() part
def move():
move = input('Enter the coordinates:').split(' ')
while True:
for n in move:
if int(n) not in range(1, 4):
print('Coordinates should be from 1 to 3!')
move = input('Enter the coordinates:').split(' ')
elif int(n) in range(1, 4):
move = ' '.join(move)
while True:
position = [p for p, x in enumerate(crd) if x == move]
int_pos = int("".join([str(p) for p in position]))
if inp[int_pos] == '0' or inp[int_pos] == 'X':
print('This cell is occupied! Choose another one!')
elif inp[int_pos] == '_':
inp[int_pos] = 'X'
if result:
Somehow, once I even managed to fix the infinite loop mistake, nevertheless, a different issue occurred - after checking the first pair of coordinates (and showing that they are out of range) It took input for new pair of coordinates but still proceed to check old pair of coordinates that were already checked.
My guess is you are using function move just to input a valid coords right
you can simplify it as follows
def input_coordinates():
while True:
x, y = [int(i) for i in input('Enter the coordinates:').split(' ')]
if (1 <= x < 4
and 1 <= y < 4):
return x, y
# this will keep looping unless you get valid coordinates
Then you write you main like this
while True:
x, y = input_coordinates()
move = "{} {}".format(x, y) # formatting the way you expect it.
position = [p for p, x in enumerate(crd) if x == move]
int_pos = int("".join([str(p) for p in position]))
if inp[int_pos] == '0' or inp[int_pos] == 'X':
print('This cell is occupied! Choose another one!')
elif inp[int_pos] == '_':
inp[int_pos] = 'X'
if result:
for n in move
) in you original move() function