I've just upgraded to 11.5. Compiler is now throwing out warnings (var -> let) for IOS Charts. Is it possible to remove these only for the Charts module i.e. I don't want to remove warnings for the rest of my own code (I'm reluctant to go into the Charts module and change the source, even though the changes are trivial).
Go the Target's Build Settings
and set Inhibit All Warnings
to YES
If you're using cocoapods you can automatically set it to YES
by adding these lines into your Podfile
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['GCC_WARN_INHIBIT_ALL_WARNINGS'] = "YES"
Just declare inhibit_all_warnings!
in top of your Podfile
If you want to disable / enable warnings for specific pods use :inhibit_warnings => true
or :inhibit_warnings => false
in the pod line. Then you should execute pod install
platform :ios
# ignore all warnings from all pods
# ignore warnings from a specific pod
pod 'Charts', :inhibit_warnings => true