I have code as below
<table >
<thead >
<th *ngFor="let col of workData.columns;trackBy: trackByColumn;
let hindex=index;" [ngClass]="setWidth(col)" [index]="hindex">
//TS File
if(col.field === 'First Name') {
col.width = '100px';
In the above table, I get both column names List and column Data from the Http call and render the table based on it. How do I dynamically set width for each column based on its name.
for ex:
Column: First Name Width:100px
Column: Last Name Width:90px
Column: Address Width: 150px
I am using Angular 6
. I tried javascript solutions and also with ngClass
and ngStyle
in angular. But I am not able to get a handle on how to set width to each of the columns.
expects an object. You are calling a method that returns nothing
One possible way is to bind the style
public styles=
'First Name' : '100px',
'Last Name' : '90px',
'Address' : '150px'
<table >
<thead >
<th [style.width]="styles[col.field]"
*ngFor="let col of workData.columns; let hindex=index;" >
You could do the same with classes (e.g. class=classes[col.field]