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Can Tensorflow work out gradients for integral approximations?

I am trying to use Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC, from Tensorflow Probability) but my target distribution contains an intractable 1-D integral which I approximate with the trapezoidal rule. My understanding of HMC is that it calculates gradients of the target distribution to build a more efficient transition kernel. My question is can Tensorflow work out gradients in terms of the parameters of function, and are they meaningful?

For example this is a log-probability of the target distribution where 'A' is a model parameter:

# integrate e^At * f[t] with respect to t between 0 and t, for all t

t = tf.linspace(0., 10., 100)
f = tf.ones(100)
delta = t[1]-t[0]
sum_term = tfm.multiply(tfm.exp(A*t), f)
integrals = 0.5*delta*tfm.cumsum(sum_term[:-1] + sum_term[1:], axis=0) 
pred = integrals
sq_diff = tfm.square(observed_data - pred)
sq_diff = tf.reduce_sum(sq_diff, axis=0)
log_lik = -0.5*tfm.log(2*PI*variance) - 0.5*sq_diff/variance
return log_lik

Are the gradients of this function in terms of A meaningful?


  • Yes, you can use tensorflow GradientTape to work out the gradients. I assume you have a mathematical function outputting log_lik with many inputs, one of it is A

    GradientTape to get the gradient of A

    The get the gradients of log_lik with respect to A, you can use the tf.GradientTape in tensorflow

    For example:

    with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as g:
      t = tf.linspace(0., 10., 100)
      f = tf.ones(100)
      delta = t[1]-t[0]
      sum_term = tfm.multiply(tfm.exp(A*t), f)
      integrals = 0.5*delta*tfm.cumsum(sum_term[:-1] + sum_term[1:], axis=0) 
      pred = integrals
      sq_diff = tfm.square(observed_data - pred)
      sq_diff = tf.reduce_sum(sq_diff, axis=0)
      log_lik = -0.5*tfm.log(2*PI*variance) - 0.5*sq_diff/variance
      z = log_lik
    ## then, you can get the gradients of log_lik with respect to A like this
    dz_dA = g.gradient(z, A)

    dz_dA contains all partially derivatives of variables in A

    I just show you the idea by the code above. In order to make it works you need to do the calculation by Tensor operation. So change to modify your function to use tensor type for the calculation

    Another example but in tensor operation

    x = tf.constant(3.0)
    with tf.GradientTape() as g:
      with tf.GradientTape() as gg:
        y = x * x
      dy_dx = gg.gradient(y, x)     # Will compute to 6.0
    d2y_dx2 = g.gradient(dy_dx, x)  # Will compute to 2.0

    Here you can see more example from the document to understand more

    Further discussion on "meaningfulness"

    Let me translate the python code to mathematics first (I use, hope it can display properly):

    # integrate e^At * f[t] with respect to t between 0 and t, for all t

    From above, it means you have a function. I call it g(t, A)

    Then you are doing a definite integral. I call it G(t,A)

    From your code, t is not variable any more, it is set to 10. So, we reduce to a function that has only one variable h(A)

    Up to here, function h has a definite integral inside. But since you are approximating it, we should not think it as a real integral (dt -> 0), it is just another chain of simple maths. No mystery here.

    Then, the last output log_lik, which is simply some simple mathematical operations with one new input variable observed_data, I call it y.

    Then a function z that compute log_lik is:

    z is no different than other normal chain of maths operations in tensorflow. Therefore, dz_dA is meaningful in the sense that the gradient of z w.r.t A gives you the gradient to update A that you can minimize z