Let's say i have a property in the store called state.items.byId
each time this is updated (various parts of the application) i want to intercept the value before i'ts updated and run a function to update some properties on it before it's updated.
I don't know the terminology and i'm quite new to redux, but if someone could point me in the right direction that would be great!
I have searched and found redux-watch
but i'm not 100% sure if this is the right approach
below shows the data flow in a redux application. View dispatches an action, the action object is a blue-print telling the reducer what changes it needs to make to the store state. Any change in the redux store state needs to pass through this cycle.
redux-watch provides you a subscription based mechanism notifying you after a property is changed. If you want to intercept a property before its changed you can write a custom middleware and handle any side-effects inside it.