We have the Rocket Bash installed on our Mainframe. I am wondering if i can add customization in .bash_profile to change font size, colors etc.
I tried making typical updates in .bash_profile in my USS home directory to change font colors and did not see any difference.
Have any of you done that ?
I suspect you’re running into the difference between .bash_profile and .bashrc, which, especially if you’re used to the behavior of Mac OS, is not intuitive. Basically, bash can be invoked in two ways; in a login context, and a non-login context (ie, executing /bin/bash manually). In the first case, bash sources the contents of .bash_profile; in the second case, it sources .bashrc. See https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/346336/why-have-both-bash-profile-and-bashrc for much more information.
Short version is that since you’re executing bash manually, as opposed to updating your RACF profile to point to it, you need to put your settings in .bashrc, not .bash_profile.