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How to remove particular harmonics in time series?

I have a time series with hourly (moving average) data from 2014 to 2019.

I used the fft() function to find the harmonics, and quantmod::findPeaks() to find the positions of the highest valued ones, which gave me as result the following positions: 8 56 2193 4384 6575 8766 306737 308928 311119 313310 315447 315495 (there are 315499 elements in the time series).

Now I need to transform this back to the time domain, but substituting zero for the value of the data in those positions. How can I do that?

Also, I noticed that when I plotted the fft() function (the absolute values of the FFT), the x-axis was still showing the years 2014 to 2019. Shouldn't it turn into Hz axis (frequency)?

z is my time series

FFT <- fft(z)
FFT <- abs(FFT/FFT[1])

PK <- findPeaks(FFT, thresh = T)

The results of PK are the 12 peaks I mentioned, representing the highest harmonic distortions. I need to remove those. I believe I can simply do FFT[8]=0 to the 12 peaks, but I'm not sure. (I tried that, but it won't let me reverse back to time domain)

I also need to prove that the resulting FFT plot is really the Fourier spectrum, but the x-axis is not frequency. Any idea on how to make that correction?


  • Simulated square wave + (low) noise

    ncycles <- 20
    len <- 50
    z <- rep(rep(0:1,each=len),ncycles) + rnorm(len*ncycles,mean=0, sd=0.02)

    FFT and find peaks

    f <- fft(z)
    F <- abs(f/f[1])
    PK <- quantmod::findPeaks(F,thresh=0.01)

    Plot sqrt(power spectrum):


    Zero out peaks:

    fz <- f
    ## position of 'peaks' is actually *one before* PK (not sure why?)
    fz[PK-1] <- 0

    Inverse transform, compare with original:

    zz <- Re(fft(fz,inverse=TRUE))/length(f)