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SQL Server parse array of XML Nodes using XMLQUERY

I am trying to parse an XML Array of nodes, which is a nvarchar(max) column converted to XML, and I've searched using google and searched stackoverflow, but I'm not finding any examples that may help me out with this.

What I have is an XML value stored as nvarchar(max) with the following format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ArrayOfCmnStatusRuleOverride xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <cmnStatusRuleOverride xsi:type="cmnCoveredByOverride">
        <Description>Jane Doe</Description>
    <cmnStatusRuleOverride xsi:type="cmnCoveredByOverride">
        <Description>Joe Blow</Description>
    <cmnStatusRuleOverride xsi:type="cmnCoveredByOverride">
        <Description>Jane Doe</Description>

I'm using the following SQL to parse the content, which is close to what I need, but the cross applies are causing me problems

declare @Status xml, @Override nvarchar(100),@ORStart nvarchar(50), @OREnd nvarchar(50)
set @Status = 
(select b.Overrides from Database.dbo.Descriptions as a
inner join Database.dbo.Listings as b on a.listID = b.listId
inner join Database.dbo.Clients as c on b.subId = c.subId and cast(c.ClientNumber as nvarchar) = '2195956693'
--cross apply @Status.nodes('/ArrayOfCmnStatusRuleOverride/cmnStatusRuleOverride/Description') as T(Loc)
where a.Description = 'Jack Sprat')

select T.OVR.query('.') 'Override'--, T1.STT.query('.') 'Start'--, T2.ENND.query('.') 'End'
from Database.dbo.Descriptions as a
inner join Database.dbo.Listings as b on a.listID = b.listId
inner join Database.dbo.Clients as c on b.subId = c.subId and cast(c.ClientNumber as nvarchar) = '9876543210'
cross apply @Status.nodes('/ArrayOfCmnStatusRuleOverride/cmnStatusRuleOverride/Description') as T(OVR)
--cross apply T.OVR.nodes('/ArrayOfCmnStatusRuleOverride/cmnStatusRuleOverride/Start') as T1(STT)
--cross apply T.OVR.nodes('/ArrayOfCmnStatusRuleOverride/cmnStatusRuleOverride/End') as T2(ENND)
where a.Description = 'Jack Sprat'

With the second and third xml queries commented out, I get 3 results, as I would expect.

  1. Jane Doe
  2. Joe Blow
  3. Jane Doe

If I uncomment the second query, then I get 9 results as follows

    Override        Start
  1. Jane Doe 2020-05-28T17:00:00
  2. Jane Doe 2020-05-26T17:00:00
  3. Jane Doe 2020-05-25T17:00:00
  4. Joe Blow 2020-05-28T17:00:00
  5. Joe Blow 2020-05-26T17:00:00
  6. Joe Blow 2020-05-25T17:00:00
  7. Jane Doe 2020-05-28T17:00:00
  8. Jane Doe 2020-05-26T17:00:00
  9. Jane Doe 2020-05-25T17:00:00

And, of course, if I uncomment the third query, I get 27 rows. Any tips on what I'm doing wrong? I've worked with this since yesterday morning trying to figure this out, and so close, yet so far away.


  • Figured it out.

    select T.OVR.query('./Description') 'Override', 
    T.OVR.query('./Start') 'Start', 
    T.OVR.query('./End') 'End'
    from Database.dbo.Descriptions as a
    inner join Database.dbo.Listings as b on a.listID = b.listId
    inner join Database.dbo.Clients as c on b.subId = c.subId and cast(c.ClientNumber as nvarchar) = '9876543210'
    cross apply @Status.nodes('/ArrayOfCmnStatusRuleOverride/cmnStatusRuleOverride') as T(OVR)
    where a.Description = 'Jack Sprat'