Search code examples

shiny app excelR can't control table height

I'm using ExcelR and Shiny. I can't seem to make the table bigger than say, 13 rows.

Here is example code:

    ui =  navbarPage("title", selected = "main", 
        position = "fixed-top", 
        tags$style(type="text/css", "body {padding-top: 70px;}"),
        tabPanel("main", id = "main",
                excelOutput("table", width = "100%", height = "100%")
    server = function(input, output, session) {
        output$table <-renderExcel(
                data = iris,
                autoColTypes = FALSE,
                pagination = 5,
                #autoFill = TRUE,
                fullscreen = FALSE,
                lazyLoading = TRUE,
                search = TRUE  

pagination seems to have no effect, and if I switch fullscreen on, the rest of the rows are rendered, but I can't see the searchbar, and the padding between the table and the navbar disappears.

I'm running R 3.6.0


  • I'm going to leave this question open for a few days to see if anyone has a better answer.

    For now, I managed to hack a solution by changing the excelTable function.

    I added the line paramList$tableHeight <- "500px" to the function, and renamed the function excelTable2.

    I found this param on the website for jExcel: jExcel Parameters

    I guess I will probably add the height as an input parameter to excelTable2.

    excelTable2 = function (data = NULL, columns = NULL, colHeaders = NULL, rowHeight = NULL, 
        nestedHeaders = NULL, defaultColWidth = NULL, minDimensions = NULL, 
        columnSorting = TRUE, columnDrag = FALSE, columnResize = TRUE, 
        rowResize = FALSE, rowDrag = TRUE, editable = TRUE, allowInsertRow = TRUE, 
        allowInsertColumn = TRUE, allowDeleteRow = TRUE, allowDeleteColumn = TRUE, 
        allowRenameColumn = TRUE, allowComments = FALSE, wordWrap = FALSE, 
        selectionCopy = TRUE, mergeCells = NULL, search = FALSE, 
        pagination = NULL, fullscreen = FALSE, lazyLoading = FALSE, 
        loadingSpin = FALSE, style = NULL, autoColTypes = TRUE, showToolbar = FALSE, 
        dateFormat = "DD/MM/YYYY", digits = 4, autoWidth = TRUE, 
        autoFill = FALSE, getSelectedData = FALSE, ...) 
        paramList <- list()
        if (!is.null(data)) {
            if ( || is.matrix(data)) {
                paramList$data <- jsonlite::toJSON(data, dataframe = "values", 
                    na = "null", digits = digits)
            else {
                stop("'data' must be either a matrix or a data frame, cannot be ", 
        if (is.null(columns) && is.null(colHeaders)) {
            if (!is.null(data)) {
                warning("Since both column title and colHeaders are not specified 'data' column name will be used as column headers")
                paramList$colHeaders = colnames(data)
        else if (is.null(columns) && !is.null(colHeaders)) {
            if (!is.vector(colHeaders)) {
                stop("'colHeaders' must be a vector, cannot be ", 
            if (!is.null(data)) {
                if (ncol(data) != length(colHeaders)) {
                    stop("length of 'colHeader' should be equal the number of columns in the 'data', 'data' has ", 
                      ncol(data), "but the length of 'colHeader' is ", 
            paramList$colHeaders <- jsonlite::toJSON(colHeaders)
        else if (!is.null(columns)) {
            if (! {
                stop("'columns' must be a dataframe, cannot be ", 
            if (!is.null(data)) {
                if (nrow(columns) != ncol(data)) {
                    stop("number of rows in 'columns' should be equal to number of columns in 'data', expected number of rows in 'columns' to be ", 
                      ncol(data), " but got ", nrow(columns))
            if (!"title" %in% colnames(columns)) {
                if (is.null(colHeaders)) {
                    if (!is.null(data)) {
                      warning("Since both column title and colHeaders are not specified 'data' column name will be used as column headers")
                      paramList$colHeaders = jsonlite::toJSON(colnames(data))
                else {
                    paramList$colHeaders = jsonlite::toJSON(colHeaders)
            paramList$columns <- jsonlite::toJSON(columns)
        if (autoColTypes && !is.null(data)) {
            if (is.null(columns)) {
                message("Since 'type' attribute is not specified and autoColTypes is true, detecting type from 'data'")
                colTypes <- get_col_types(data)
                columns <- data.frame(type = colTypes)
                columns <- add_source_for_dropdown_type(data, columns)
                paramList$columns <- jsonlite::toJSON(columns)
            else {
                if (!"type" %in% colnames(columns) && autoColTypes) {
                    message("Since 'type' attribute is not specified and autoColTypes is true, detecting type from 'data'")
                    colTypes <- get_col_types(data)
                    columns$type <- colTypes
                    columns <- add_source_for_dropdown_type(data, 
                    paramList$columns <- jsonlite::toJSON(columns)
        if (!is.null(rowHeight)) {
            if (! && !is.matrix(rowHeight)) {
                stop("'rowHeight' must either be a matrix or a dataframe, cannot be ", 
            if (ncol(rowHeight) != 2) {
                stop("'rowHeight' must either be a matrix or a dataframe with two columns, but got ", 
                    ncol(rowHeight), " column(s)")
            paramList$rowHeight <- jsonlite::toJSON(rowHeight, dataframe = "values")
        if (!is.null(nestedHeaders)) {
            if (!is.list(nestedHeaders)) {
                stop("'nestedHeaders' must be a list of dataframe(s), cannot be ", 
            headerAttributes <- c("title", "colspan")
            for (nestedHeader in nestedHeaders) {
                if (! {
                    stop("'nestedHeaders' must be a list of dataframe(s), but got list of  ", 
                      class(nestedHeader), "(s)")
                if (ncol(nestedHeader) < 2 || nrow(nestedHeader) < 
                    1) {
                    stop("the dataframe(s) in 'nestedHeaders must contain at least two columns and one row, 'title' and 'colspan', but got only ", 
                      ncol(nestedHeader), " column and ", nrow(nestedHeader), 
                      " row")
                if (!"title" %in% colnames(nestedHeader)) {
                    stop("one of the column in the dataframe in list of 'nestedHeaders' should have 'title' as header which will be used as title of the nested header")
                if (!"colspan" %in% colnames(nestedHeader)) {
                    stop("one of the column in the dataframe in list of 'nestedHeaders' should have 'colspan' as header which will be used to determine the number of column it needs to span")
                if (!all(colnames(nestedHeader) %in% headerAttributes)) {
                    warning("unknown headers(s) ", colnames(nestedHeader)[!colnames(nestedHeader) %in% 
                      headerAttributes], " for 'nestedHeader' found, ignoring column with those header(s)")
            paramList$nestedHeaders <- jsonlite::toJSON(nestedHeaders, 
                dataframe = "rows")
        if (!is.null(defaultColWidth)) {
            if (!is.numeric(defaultColWidth) || length(defaultColWidth) > 
                1) {
                stop("'defaultColWidth' must be a numeric value of length 1 but got ", 
                    class(defaultColWidth), " of length ", 
            paramList$defaultColWidth <- defaultColWidth
        if (!is.null(minDimensions)) {
            if (!is.vector(minDimensions)) {
                stop("'minDimensions' must be vector but got ", 
            if (length(minDimensions) != 2) {
                stop("'minDimensions' must be a vector of length of 2 but got length of ", 
            paramList$minDimensions <- minDimensions
        for (arg in c("columnSorting", "columnDrag", 
            "columnResize", "rowResize", "rowDrag", 
            "editable", "allowInsertRow", "allowInsertColumn", 
            "allowDeleteRow", "allowDeleteColumn", "allowRenameColumn", 
            "allowComments", "wordWrap", "selectionCopy", 
            "search", "fullscreen", "lazyLoading", 
            "loadingSpin", "showToolbar", "autoWidth", 
            "autoFill", "getSelectedData")) {
            argvalue <- get(arg)
            if (!is.null(argvalue)) {
                if (is.logical(argvalue)) {
                    paramList[[arg]] <- argvalue
                else {
                    warning("Argument ", arg, " should be either TRUE or FALSE.  Ignoring ", 
                      arg, ".", call. = FALSE)
                    paramList[[arg]] <- NULL
        if (!is.null(mergeCells)) {
            if (!is.list(mergeCells)) {
                stop("expected 'mergeCells' to be a list but got ", 
            for (mergeCell in mergeCells) {
                if (!is.vector(mergeCell)) {
                    stop("expected each parameter in 'mergeCells' list to be a vector but got ", 
                if (length(mergeCell) != 2) {
                    stop("expected each parameter in 'mergeCells' list to be a vector of length  2 but got vector of length ", 
            paramList$mergeCells <- mergeCells
        if (!is.null(pagination)) {
            if (!is.numeric(pagination) || length(pagination) > 1) {
                stop("'pagination' must be an integer of length 1 but got ", 
                    class(pagination), " of length ", length(pagination))
            paramList$pagination <- pagination
        if (!is.null(style)) {
            if (!is.list(style)) {
                stop("'style' should be a list but got ", class(style))
            paramList$style <- style
        if (!is.null(dateFormat)) {
            paramList$dateFormat <- dateFormat
        paramList$tableHeight <- "500px"
        paramList <- append(paramList, list(...))
        htmlwidgets::createWidget(name = "jexcel", x = paramList, 
            width = if (fullscreen) 
            else 0, height = if (fullscreen) 
            else 0, package = "excelR", 

    Working app after defining above excelTable2

        ui =  navbarPage("title", selected = "main", 
            position = "fixed-top", 
            tags$style(type="text/css", "body {padding-top: 70px;}"),
            tabPanel("main", id = "main",
                    excelOutput("table", width = "100%", height = "100%")
                    #htmlOutput("table", width = "100%", height = "500px")
        server = function(input, output, session) {
            output$table <-renderExcel(
                    data = iris,
                    autoColTypes = FALSE,
                    autoFill = TRUE,
                    fullscreen = FALSE,
                    lazyLoading = TRUE,
                    search = TRUE  