I am trying to create a Blazor WebAssembly app using the latest build of Visual Studio for Mac (v8.4.6 build 36).
I have .NET Core 3.1 SDK installed.
I also installed the latest Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Preview 1 by running:
dotnet new -i Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Templates::3.2.0-preview1.20073.1
The output log shows it installed successfully:
Templates Short Name Language Tags
Blazor Server App blazorserver [C#] Web/Blazor
Blazor WebAssembly App blazorwasm [C#] Web/Blazor/WebAssembly
However, the Blazor WebAssembly App template does not show up in Visual Studio for Mac, even after restarting:
And if I create a Blazor WebAssembly app from the CLI as follows, it builds but does not run:
dotnet new blazorwasm
dotnet build
dotnet run
And if I try to run it in Visual Studio for Mac I get this error:
Cannot open assembly '/Users/my.username/projects/blazor/BlazerWasm/bin/Debug/netstandard2.1/BlazerWasm.exe': No such file or directory.
Is Visual Studio for Mac not able to build or run Blazor WebAssembly apps, or am I missing something?
Support for Blazor WebAssembly projects has been added in the 8.6 release of Visual Studio for Mac. You can update by installing the latest from https://visualstudio.com/mac or updating to the Stable channel using the Visual Studio > Check for Updates… menu.
Ultimately this update worked. However when trying to run the Blazor WebAssembly the very first time I got the following error:
The ASP.NET Core developer certificate is in an invalid state. To fix this issue, run the following commands to remove all existing ASP.NET Core development certificates and create a new untrusted developer certificate.
dotnet dev-certs https --clean
dotnet dev-certs https
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
I followed the instructions running the three commands above and that resolved my error. FYI, the first of the three commands may take a few minutes and you may not see any output activity immediately.
Now I can build a run Blazor WebAssembly in Version 8.6 of Visual Studio for Mac.
For more info see the post I created in the Visual Studio Developer Community: