Pycharm gives an Expected type X, got X instead
type warning on the last line. The issue goes away if I use the same TypeVar for both the superclass and the subclass, but considering these classes will be in different files and the subclass will use a bound
TypeVar, that is not possible.
I'm I missing something? Or should I report it as a bug? This is with python 3.7 on Pycharm 2019.2.6.
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
U = TypeVar("U")
class A(Generic[U]):
def __init__(self, model: U):
def func(self, b: U) -> U:
return b
T = TypeVar("T")
class B(A[T]):
def __init__(self, model: T):
B("").func("") #Expected type 'str' (matched generic type 'U'), got 'str' instead
I posted an issue on the Pycharm issue tracker, the bug is fixed in version 2020.1