I am trying to set value of ng-model named lastName using $scope.lastName="ThisIsLastname" in ready function. I can set value, It can be set also as I can see that in console but the problem is value does not appeared on textbox itself (textbox is not prefilled). Textbox is only prefilled if I click on text box and then anywhere in screen.
<input type="text" ng-model="lastName" /> <!-- this textbox should be prefilled when screen load using ng-model only -->
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
console.log("is ready now");
$scope.lastName="ThisIsLastname"; //set value
console.log($scope.lastName); // I can see that value has been set successfully.
so when I reload page, I can see that that value is printed on console once ready function called however I can see empty text box (value of last name is not showing on text box).
But When I first click on that empty text box, and then click anywhere on screen, value of text box appear. I could not understand what makes it appear now but does not appear when ready function called.
I do not need alternate solution, I want to get knowledge why this is happening!
In angularjs, angular.element
is a jqLite
Wrap the code with zeroed $timeout
to triger digest cycle:
console.log("is ready now");