Both those calls are client http api:
Flux<SavingsViewFilter> views = savingsApi.getViewFilterSavings(viewId);
Flux<Group> groups = groupsApi.getAllGroups();
and return a Flux
I need to filter element inside the Flux<Group>
, based on values from eacg view.getGroupId()
return views.flatMap(view ->
.filter(group -> Objects.equals(group.getGroupId(), view.getGroupId()))
.flatMap(group -> Flux.just(DepositAccount.builder()
It is working, but the problem is that it's doing for each view object, one more HTTP request to getAllGroups.
How can I avoid multiple requests to getAllGroups?
The issue is you are subscribing to groups for every element of views.
You can use join to only subscribe to each once, and then join element by element.
//Join fluxes and create tuple for each pair
.join(groups, s-> Flux.never(),s-> Flux.never(),Tuples::of)
//Filter out any that don't have matching groupIds
.filter(t -> t.getT1().getGroupId().equals(t.getT2().getGroupId()))
//Use map, not flatMap since builder is not blocking
.map(t -> DepositAccount.builder()