Can I set view only access to the knowledge graph using RDFox Version 3? (No editing)
I would like to create different user roles and control who can see/edit what right down to the triple level.
Yes, using the access control feature you can assign roles and grant privileges to users, for example you could limit a users privileges to view only.
For example, you can use the role command and create subcommand to create a new user:
role create user1
Enter the password for the new role:
Confirm the password:
A new role was created with name "user1".
role create group
Enter the password for the new role:
Confirm the password:
A new role was created with name "group”.
Then you can grant privileges, for example:
> grant privileges read,write,grant >datastores|* to user1
The privileges 'read,write,grant' over resource specifier ">datastores|*" were granted to the role "user1" (if not already present).
Or you can revoke privileges, for example:
> revoke privileges write,grant >datastores|* from user1
The privileges 'write,grant' over resource specifier ">datastores|*" were revoked from the role "user1" (if they were present).
If you then use the show subcommand you can see what role and privileges the user has:
> role show user1
'user1' has the following directly assigned privileges:
Resource specifier | Allowed access types
>datastores|* | read
This has resulted in a read only privilege for the user.