I build a simple model in Dymola, I choose to use i_R1 to set the intializaiton condition, as shown in the follwing code and screenshot.
model circuit1
Real i_gen(unit="A") "Current of the generator";
Real i_R1(start=1,fixed=true,unit="A") "Current of R1";
Real i_R2(unit="A") "Current of R2";
Real i_C(unit="A") "Current of the capacitor";
Real i_D(unit="A") "Current of the diode";
Real u_1(unit="V") "Voltage of generator";
Real u_2(unit="V") "Output voltage";
// Voltage generator
constant Real PI = 3.1415926536;
parameter Real U0( unit="V") = 5;
parameter Real frec( unit="Hz") = 100;
parameter Real w( unit="rad/s") = 2*PI*frec;
parameter Real phi( unit="rad") = 0;
// Resistors
parameter Real R1( unit="Ohm") = 100;
parameter Real R2( unit="Ohm") = 100;
// Capacitor
parameter Real C( unit="F") = 1e-6;
// Diode
parameter Real Is( unit="A") = 1e-9;
parameter Real Vt( unit="V") = 0.025;
// Node equations
i_gen = i_R1;
i_R1 = i_D + i_R2 + i_C;
// Constitutive relationships
u_1 = U0 * sin( w * time + phi);
u_1 - u_2 = i_R1 * R1;
i_D = Is * ( exp(u_2 / Vt) - 1);
u_2 = i_R2 * R2;
C * der(u_2) = i_C;
end circuit1;
But after translation, in the dsin.txt, it shows that i_R1
is a free variable, but u_2
is fixed.
My question is:
Why Dymola sets u_2
as fixed instead of i_R1
The first column in dsin.txt is now primarily used for continue simulation in Dymola, and is otherwise sort of ignored.
If you want to know which values are relevant for starting the simulation, i.e. parameters and variables with fixed=true you should instead look at the 6th column and x&8
, that shows that i_R1
, U0
, freq
, phi
, R1
, R2
, C
, Is
, and Vt
will influence a normal simulation.
For continue simulation it is instead x&16
that matters, so u_2
instead of i_R1
The x above is the value in the 6th column, and &8
represents bitwise and. In Modelica you could do mod(div(x, 8),2)==1 to test the numbers.