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3DSecure periodically timing out but taking payment

I am experiencing a very frustrating issue with SagePay Direct when a card payment initiates a 3DSecure challenge.

Customers are reporting either a hanging iFrame, or payment declined response. Whats worse is that in some instances, Sage takes the payment but the user is unaware of this and tries to buy again Looking at my logs my code is working as expected and is loading the iFrame with the returned ACSURL as the src.

After searching the web, it appears it is a known issue with a timeout occurring on the secure merchant issuer that i hand off to.

The trouble i have is that i have no control of the response(or lack of) from the issuer as its in an iFrame.

Sage have not been very helpful with this problem only going as far as to say "we have heard of customers who experience this issue"

Does anyone have any experience of this problem and know how to resolve it? I guess the bottom line is to turn off the 3DSecure checks but this seems counter productive to the new EU ruling coming into force at some point.

Worth pointing out that this is only affecting a small percentage of my customer base and a lot of transactions are processing successfully (even with the password challenge) but the customers who experience problems are rightly shouting loudly.

anyone any ideas?



  • We process up to 1000-2000 transactions daily via SagePay, using the Direct protocol. They are very cheap but their service is in all honesty fairly terrible. We have a single digit quantity of transactions every day that fail in this way. We've also got another provider and don't experience the same issues.

    We have a routine job that asks the SagePay Reporting API about transactions that failed, to see what the current status is (did SagePay get the transaction? was it successfully authorised? etc). This API is utterly, utterly terrible and was a nightmare to integrate with, but it's useful as at least we can refund customers without having to log into the SagePay dashboard.

    One thing that we discovered (that isn't documented anywhere on the SagePay site as far as I can tell) is that you're limited to one transaction at a time, or around 20-30 transactions per minute by default. If you go over this (a temporary peak or whatever) your transactions queue up and are delayed. If it gets really busy it completely falls over, and takes a while to recover. We had to switch SagePay off entirely for a few hours due to this (we've got backups in place).

    Anyway, so it turns out our transactions were all being processed on one TID (short for Terminal ID). This is akin to a physical card terminal in a shop which can only process one transaction at a time. We asked SagePay support for more and we now have 10-15.

    I hope this helps you. I'd recommend implementing a fallback payment supplier in case SagePay fails. A year or two ago they had a 3 day(!!!!) outage which was fairly devastating for us. We now take this seriously!