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Using Classes when Python Scripting for Maya

I am working through Maya Programming with Python Cookbook by Adrian Herbez and having trouble with an example (pg. 31) which creates a class which produces a user interface for making simple spheres in Maya. When I reproduce the code and run the script it loads but nothing happens in Maya. I was able to create user interfaces without using the class method previously so I am wondering if there is something wrong with the class code. My understanding of classes is a bit shaky but I can't find what could be wrong with it. I am using Atom and calling the script using import(makeSpheres) and reload(makeSpheres).

Here is the code:

import maya.cmds as cmds

class SpheresClass:
    def __init__(self): = cmds.window(title="Make Spheres",widthHeight=(300,200))
        self.numSpheres = cmds.intField(minValue=1)
        cmds.button(label="Make some spheres", command=self.makeSpheres)

    def makeSpheres(self, *args):
        number = cmds.intField(self.numSpheres,query=True,value=True)
        for i in range(0,number):


In Atom the,self.numSpheres and self.makeSpheres is being highlighted in red but but the linter doesn't have any error messages.


  • Turns out I was calling the SpheresClass from within the makeSpheres function.