Before comment:
<h2><?php echo $world; ?></h2>
After comment:
<?php /* ?>
<h2><?php echo $world; ?></h2>
<?php */ ?>
There is no such special commenting style available.
Based on your sample code: you can use custom Live Template of the surround kind to wrap your selected lines with opening and closing blocks (it will not add any extra commenting/escaping inside etc).
To create custom Live Template (official docs:
Settings / Preferences | Editor | Live Templates
Create new Live Template: give it an abbreviation (quick name), description (what this is about), actual template body and applicable contexts and some possible options.
The body would be:
<?php /* ?>
<?php */ ?>
How to use it:
Code | Surround with...
(check and use the shortcut that you have got there: it depends on your current Keymap) and use the right one.