I want to change the format of the values based on another column. Basically, based on Type column , I want to change the number format. Any help will be appreciated.
Below is the current tablix report. It has 3 columns (Type, US and UK). it always has 4 rows (Sales, Quantity, Percentage and Notes). I tried using Format function but it is throwing me error for other rows. Switch(Fields!Quantity.Value = "Quantity",FormatNumber(Fields!US.Value,0))
Type US UK
Sales 123.36 2122.2
Quantity 2345 3451
Percentage 0.81 0.91
Notes NetSales GrossSales
Date May 20 2020 11:00AM May 20 2020 12:00PM
Now, I want to display them as below
Type US UK
Sales $123.36 £2,122.2
Quantity 2,345 3,451
Percentage 81% 91%
Notes NetSales GrossSales
Date 11AM 12PM
Assuming that your dataset query actually returns those 3 columns as they appear in your sample then you need to be testing the Type
I recreated the recordset using the following code in the dataset query
DECLARE @t TABLE (Type varchar(10), US varchar(50), UK varchar(50))
('Sales', '123.36','2122.2'),
('Quantity', '2345','3451'),
('Percentage', '0.81',' 0.91'),
('Notes', 'NetSales','GrossSales')
I then aded two identical tables, one to show the unformatted values and the other to show them after the format expressions have been applied.
For the US
Column expression is used the following expression which basically converts each text entry to a value then applies from formatting.
Fields!Type.Value = "Sales", FORMAT(VAL(Fields!US.Value),"$0.00"),
Fields!Type.Value = "Quantity", FORMAT(VAL(Fields!US.Value),"n0"),
Fields!Type.Value = "Percentage", FORMAT(VAL(Fields!US.Value),"p0"),
Fields!Type.Value = "Date", FORMAT(cdate(Fields!US.Value), "HH:mm tt")
True, Fields!US.Value
The UK expression is almost identical.
Fields!Type.Value = "Sales", FORMAT(VAL(Fields!UK.Value),"£0.00"),
Fields!Type.Value = "Quantity", FORMAT(VAL(Fields!UK.Value),"n0"),
Fields!Type.Value = "Percentage", FORMAT(VAL(Fields!UK.Value),"p0"),
Fields!Type.Value = "Date", FORMAT(cdate(Fields!UK.Value), "HH:mm tt")
True, Fields!UK.Value
Note the finale True
acts like an ELSE
The final output looks something like this...
For reference. "n0" means use thousand separattor with zero decimal places and "p0" means, format as percentage with zero decimal places.
If you have a date as a string e.g. May 20 2020 11:00AM
then you can add an extra line to the switch, before the `True, Fields!UK.Value. I've edited the expressions above to allow for dates are strings
using Fields!Type.Value = "Date", FORMAT(cdate(Fields!UK.Value), "HH:mm tt")
all we are doing is converting the string to a date using CDATE() then formatting tat to show the hours only in AM/PM format.
=FORMAT(cdate(Fields!dt.Value), "HH:mm tt")