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Unit testing the intercept function in an Angular HTTP interceptor

I've written an Angular 9 HTTP Interceptor, and I would like to unit test the intercept function in relative isolation. From what I've seen on StackOverflow already, people are suggesting to make fake HTTP requests or return a basic request, which isn't working for me as I use the .pipe method (TypeError: next.handle(...).pipe is not a function)

Here's my intercept function, what would you suggest to unit test this function please?

intercept(request: HttpRequest < unknown >, next: HttpHandler): Observable < HttpEvent < unknown >> {;
  return next.handle(request).pipe(
    catchError((error: HttpErrorResponse) => {
      if (error.status !== 401) {"There was an error when making your request! " + error.message, 'Okay, I will refresh the page', { duration: 10000 });
      return throwError(error);
      () => {


  • I was able to solve my issue by adding the following in the providers section of


    By providing the HTTP_INTERCEPTORS the HttpClientTestingModule will use the interceptor I have made:

      provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS,
      useClass: LoadingInterceptor,
      multi: true