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Parse a multipart SOAP response in Swift

I'm trying to download a file from a soap service and I'm getting the following after a successful request

the response header

multipart/related; type="application/xop+xml"; boundary="uuid:917b60a9-3089-43ad-a8c2-b4a3c62db98c"; start="<>"; start-info="text/xml"

response body

Content-Type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8; type="text/xml"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""><soap:Body><ns2:leseDokumentResponse xmlns:ns2="http://webservice/"><return><status>OK</status><dokument><xop:Include xmlns:xop="" href=""/></dokument></return></ns2:leseDokumentResponse></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <>

... binary data ...

How can I parse the file binary data?

I tried these questions but nothing works Parsing http-multipart response Parse multipart response for image download in ios


  • Parsing a multi-part SOAP response can be easily done by using MultipartKit

    I created an extension on Alamofire's DataResponse to handle the response

    import Alamofire
    import MultipartKit
    import Swime
    extension DataResponse where Success == Data {
        var boundary: String? {
            let header = response?.allHeaderFields.first(where: {
                $0.key as? String == "Content-Type"
            let scanner = Scanner(string: header?.value as? String ?? "")
            _ = scanner.scanUpToString("boundary=\"")
            _ = scanner.scanString("boundary=\"")
            let boundary = scanner.scanUpToString("\";")
            return boundary
        func multipartParts() -> [MultipartPart] {
            guard let boundary = boundary else { return [] }
            guard let data = try? result.get() else { return [] }
            let parser = MultipartParser(boundary: boundary)
            var parts: [MultipartPart] = []
            var headers: HTTPHeaders = [:]
            var body: Data = Data()
            parser.onHeader = { (field, value) in
                headers.replaceOrAdd(name: field, value: value)
            parser.onBody = { new in
                body.append(contentsOf: new.readableBytesView)
            parser.onPartComplete = {
                let part = MultipartPart(headers: headers, body: body)
                headers = [:]
                body = Data()
            do {
                try parser.execute(data)
            } catch {
            return parts
        func parseMultipart() -> (message: String, files: [Data])? {
            let parts = multipartParts()
            let message = parts.first(where: { $ == "<>" })?.body.string ?? ""
            let dataPart = parts.filter { $ != "<>" }
            let files = dataPart.compactMap { Data(multipart: $0) }
            return (message, files)
    extension ByteBuffer {
        var string: String {
            return String(decoding: self.readableBytesView, as: UTF8.self)
    extension MultipartPart {
        /// Gets or sets the `name` attribute from the part's `"Content-ID"` header.
        public var id: String? {
            get { self.headers.first(name: "Content-ID") }

    which then can be used on a data response like this:

    let request = SessionManager.request(urlRequest).responseData(completionHandler: { response in
        switch response.result {
            case .failure(let error):
            case .success:
                guard let parts = response.parseMultipart() else { return }
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    self.loadResponse(message: parts.message, files: parts.files)

    the message id can be different so I would maybe suggest checking the type too

    Hope this will help someone.