I would like to create an HTML site from a Word document about Python programming. I use the chain word document -> [pandoc] -> rst file -> [sphinx] -> html site. Everything is working ok except the examples of python code: all the tabs are lost and all the code lines are left aligned which causes the code to be intelligible.
What can I do to solve this problem? I would prefer to act on the original word document than the intermediary restructuredtext file.
How to reproduce the problem (knowledge of word, pandoc, sphinx, restructuredtext required):
a) build a word document [example.docx] with a python program in it. Python code needs tabs. For example :
Python code example:
# ----------------------------------
def affiche(chaine):
# affiche chaine
print("chaine=%s" % chaine)
# ----------------------------------
def afficheType(variable):
# affiche le type de variable
print("type[%s]=%s" % (variable, type(variable)))
# ----------------------------------
def f1(param):
# ajoute 10 à param
return param + 10
# ----------------------------------
def f2():
# rend 3 valeurs
return "un", 0, 100
# -------------------------------- programme principal ------------------------------------
# ceci est un commentaire
# variable utilisée sans avoir été déclarée
nom = "dupont"
# un affichage écran
print("nom=%s" % nom)
# une liste avec des éléments de type différent
liste = ["un", "deux", 3, 4]
b) with a console, type the following command
pandoc -f docx -t rst -i example.docx - t example.rst
c) type the following commands:
make html
d) the produced html looks like that:
We can see that the lines of the [affiche] 1 function are all aligned on the left. That is incorrect for a python code;
For those interested, i found a solution: i gave to the code, the word style [Source Code] and now the html looks like that :