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Android SQLite R-Tree - How to install module? says that the r*tree is "included as part of the amalgamation but is disabled by default" and to enable it "simply compile with the SQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE C-preprocessor macro defined"

Well I want to use R-trees in my android app, but clearly SQLite is all pre-installed etc. Is there a way to enable it on a user's phone/device?

Alternatively, is it possible to use the NDK and the freely available source code for SQLite?


  • You can absolutely compile your own version of SQLite. We do this in order to enable the encryption/codec modules from wxSQLite. Take a look at the SQLite source in the Android Git repository. Basically it's as easy and creating a with the options (such as SQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE) you'd like enabled. Of course, this will give you a native library. In order to use it you'll need to access it from the NDK or create a wrapper (again, you can look at the Android repository and Java/JNI wrappers to SQLite)