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Translate CodeIgniter's calendar to another language

I'm trying to translate CodeIgniter's calendar object to Hebrew.

I made Hebrew-calendar translation files (calender_lang.php under a 'hebrew' folder) as required and loaded the calendar (in english).

However, I don't understand how to translate the whole calender in one time. Should I use a loop for everything?

I can't understand how to use:


to change the language of my calendar.

I'm using:

    echo $this->calendar->generate();

to show the calendar.

you quick help would be appreciated... :)


  • solved.

    i see there is importance to the order you load your libraries.

    first, load the language library. and also - load the parser library.

    $this->lang->load('calendar', 'hebrew');


    \\ $prefs is an array inculding long days preferences etc.
    $this->load->library('calendar', $prefs); 
    \\ app_doc_result is the wanted view