From the doc, I can deploy a function like this
serverless deploy function -f functionName
Can I deploy multiple functions with a command like this?
serverless deploy function -f functionName1, functionName2
If can't, what should I do deploy multiple functions at once?
The serverless-cli does not support deploying multiple functions in one go. I'm attached a bash function that you can add to your bashrc so it's always loaded automatically for you (instead of copy-ing and past-ing it when opening a new terminal)
serverless-deploy-function() {
# Validate at least one parameter is passed
[ "$#" -ne 1 ] && echo "USAGE $0 <PARAMETER>" && return 2
# create a list of the first parameter (split by ,)
declare -a FUNCTIONS_TO_DEPLOY=($(echo $1 | tr "," " "))
# remove the first parameter from $@
# loop on the list of functions to deploy
echo Running \"serverless deploy function -f $x $@\"
# Pass one function at a time and keep the rest of the arguments the same
serverless deploy function -f $x $@
To use it, you'll need to do something like this:
$ serverless-deploy-function function1,function2
Keep in mind, this should also support extra parameters given that you add them after the function(s) you want to deploy:
$ serverless-deploy-function function1,function2 --stage dev --region us-east-1
or for one function, as follows:
$ serverless-deploy-function function1 --stage dev --region us-east-1