I opened a file in binary mode. I need to find a certain string inside this file and print the line after that. However, the string doesn't appear to be found in the text file. I looked into the text file manually, and the string is definitely found on one line.
I tried opening the file as textfile (not binary mode) and not making the string binary, but that gave an error that I solved with this question. The answer on that question led to the below (and current) code.
with open(os.path.join(directory, filename), 'rb') as read_obj:
# print(read_obj.read())
for line in read_obj:
line_number += 1
if b"PREPARED FOR" in line:
Ok. So. Apparently .readlines()
worked. I just had to read all the lines, loop through them. Find the one that had the string in it, call that index and add one to find the next line.