Im building a google sheet to keep track of stock prices for the stocks i own. I have an API running thats connected to Google Sheets and my own python application.
My google sheet looks like this
Stock | Previous close
AAPL | 316.73
NVDA | 348.71
SPOT | 191.00
i currently have the code running as follows.
import requests
import gspread
from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
sheet ="Stock").sheet1
AAPL = sheet.cell(2,1).value
url = (''+AAPL+'?p='+AAPL+'&.tsrc=fin-srch')
response = requests.get(url)
htmltext = response.text
splitlist = htmltext.split("Previous Close")
afterfirstsplit =splitlist[1].split("\">")[2]
aftersecondsplit = afterfirstsplit.split("</span>")
datavalue = aftersecondsplit[0]
# this would update the value within my google sheet to the previous close price
For each individual stock, i would copy and paste, change the stock symbol, to find the value of the next quote. I know theres a way to use FOR statements to automate this process. I tried that with the following but it wouldnt update as needed. I reached a wall at this point and would appreciate any help or insight on how i could automate this function.
tickers = {sheet.cell(2,1).value : [],
sheet.cell(3,1).value : [],
sheet.cell(4,1).value : [],
sheet.cell(5,1).value :[]}
for symbols in tickers:
url = (''+symbols+'?p='+symbols+'&.tsrc=fin-srch')
response = requests.get(url)
htmltext = response.text
splitlist = htmltext.split("Previous Close")
afterfirstsplit =splitlist[1].split("\">")[2]
aftersecondsplit = afterfirstsplit.split("</span>")
datavalue = aftersecondsplit[0]
print (datavalue)
Doing this gathers all the values of the current stock prices and it does import it into the excel file but only to one coordinate. I dont know how to increase the '1' within sheet.update.cell(2,1,datavalue), each time within the FOR statement. I believe that is the way to solve this, but if anyone has any other suggestions, im all ears.
In regards to answering this part of your question:
"I don't know how to increase the '1' within sheet.update.cell(2,1,datavalue), each time within the FOR statement."
This is how you increment a counter inside a for loop typically speaking:
counter = 1
for symbol in tickers:
#Your code
counter = counter+1