Here is the example:
interface Vehicle{
interface InspectorClass{
class Car implements Vehicle{
mass = 2000
wheels = 4
class Boat implements Vehicle{
mass = 3000
sails = 2
// with methods it silently fails:
class BoatInspector implements InspectorClass{
inspect(v:Boat){ // interface contract silently violated!!!
function runInspection(inspector:InspectorClass, vehicle:Vehicle){
let myCar = new Car()
let myBoatInspector = new BoatInspector()
runInspection(myBoatInspector, myCar)
// with functions it checks properly:
type InspectorFunction = (v:Vehicle) => void
const inspectCar:InspectorFunction = function(v:Car){ // TypeScript complains as it should
The contract of the interface states that an inspect method in an InspectorClass instance has to be able to inspect any kind of Vehicle. Why does TypeScript let me implement a class that actually only accepts Boats without complaining? Is this a bug? Or is it by design for some reason? Or can I enable this with some flag?
The linked duplicate explains the situation. For your code above, the fix is probably to use --strictFunctionTypes
and write your method signature as a function-valued-property signature:
interface InspectorClass{
inspect: (v:Vehicle) => void