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add body to a cloud scheduler request using the Python API

I'm extending off of this question: How to create a job with Google Cloud scheduler Python api

I'm wondering how I can insert a body object to be passed along with the function, I can do it via gcloud, and I know according to the v1 docs that the body needs to be passed in a HttpTarget any time I try to pass it that way it errors and says:

TypeError: No positional arguments allowed

Honestly I haven't been able to get from import HttpTarget as Target to work at all.

Can someone give me an example where they successfully used the API to create a job in the Cloud Scheduler with a body (JSON object) sent with it (POST method of course)?


  • import json
    from import scheduler_v1
    client = scheduler_v1.CloudSchedulerClient()
    project = "..."  # TODO
    location = "..."  # TODO
    parent = client.location_path(project, location)
    uri = "..."  # TODO
    body = {"Hello": "World"}
    job = {
        "http_target": {
            "http_method": "POST",
            "uri": uri,
            "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
            "body": json.dumps(body).encode("utf-8"),
        "schedule": "* * * * *",
    response = client.create_job(parent, job)