I would like to find out which of the properties in a source input object, a method has used. After executing the method I need to store in a database which of the properties was used.
The input could be any class with simple types, like this:
public class MyData : IMyData
public string A { get; set; }
public int B { get; set; }
public decimal C { get; set; }
I thought it could be done using an interface as input to the method, so I can replace the original object with a more advanced object, which stores usage of properties
public interface IMyData
string A { get; }
int B { get; }
decimal C { get; }
I can then
Call my method with this dynamic interface
private static void Main()
var data = new MyData { A = "Test", B = 3, C = new decimal(1.2) };
IDictionary<string, object> replacementObject = new ExpandoObject();
replacementObject.Add("FieldsUsed", new List<string>());
foreach (var property in data.GetType().GetProperties())
replacementObject.Add(property.Name, property.GetValue(data));
var replacementInterface = replacementObject.ActLike<IMyData>();
Console.WriteLine($"The method used these fields {string.Join(", ", (List<string>)replacementObject["FieldsUsed"])}");
private static void DoStuff(IMyData source)
Console.WriteLine($"A is {source.A}");
if (source.B > 5)
Console.WriteLine($"C is {source.C}");
In the above example I would like to store that fields A and B have been used.
Only I am stuck at how I should store when a property is used by my DoStuff method.
You can write a wrapper like this:
public class ClassWrapper<T>: DynamicObject where T:class
private readonly T _obj;
private readonly List<string> _fieldsUsed=new List<string>();
public ClassWrapper(T obj)
_obj = obj;
public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = _obj.GetType().GetProperty(binder.Name);
result = propertyInfo.GetValue(_obj);
return true;
public List<string> GetFieldsUsed() => _fieldsUsed;
public T GetWrapper()
return this.ActLike<T>();
and use it like
var data = new MyData { A = "Test", B = 3, C = new decimal(1.2) };
var mc=new ClassWrapper<IMyData>(data);
IMyData wrapped = mc.GetWrapper();
Console.WriteLine($"The method used these fields {string.Join(", ", (List<string>)mc.GetFieldsUsed())}");