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Spatie Medialibrary Custom Custom Directory As Prefix

I am using spatie/laravel-medialibrary:8.0.

When I uploaded file, it was saved in storage/public directory.

1/filename.file_extension, 2/filename.file_extension...

I think 1, 2... are ids of files.

Is there any way to put different prefix directory according to user?

For example, I want to put like this.


I searched about it but couldn't find exact answer,

Can anyone help me?



  • The way to go it's under docs Using a custom directory structure.

    To override the default folder structure, a class that conforms to the PathGenerator-interface can be specified as the path_generator in the config file.

    For example, you can create a new class that extends that interface and return some path for your models

    class CustomPathGenerator implements PathGenerator
        public function getPath(Media $media) : string
            if ($media instanceof Post) {
                return 'user_id/' . $media->user_id . '/' . $media->id;
            return $media->id;
        public function getPathForConversions(Media $media) : string
            return $this->getPath($media) . 'conversions/';
        public function getPathForResponsiveImages(Media $media): string
            return $this->getPath($media) . 'responsive/';

    Then update the config file and point to that class:

    'path_generator' => CustomPathGenerator::class,


    spatie/laravel-medialibrary Docs Using a custom directory structure.

    Laracasts Spatie MediaLibrary default storage depending on the model "best answer".