I'm new at scala and also gatling. I'm trying to create some sort of scenarioBuilder executing different steps based on a certain conditions but I have an issue. I don't know if I can add steps to my scenario. something like that
val scn = scenario("scenario")
for(req <- requestsList.requests)
if(req.method == "GET")
scn.exec("do something")
It is possible to add steps in loop and also based on condition?
Convert your request list into a Feeder and then use doSwitch.
Suppose your request are put into a .csv file with two columns:
method, endpoint
val requestFeeder = csv("requests.csv")
val scn: ScenarioBuilder =
scenario("Foo Scenario")
"GET" -> exec(http("Get request")
.check(status.in(200 to 210))),
"POST" -> exec(http("Get request")
.check(status.in(200 to 210))))