I'm new to Idris. I'm working on the following function
average : String -> Double
average str
= let numWords = wordCount str
totalLength = sum (allLengths (words str)) in
cast totalLength / cast numWords
wordCount : String -> Nat
wordCount str = length (words str)
allLengths : List String -> List Nat
allLengths strs = map length strs
I keep getting the following error
Type checking ./average.idr
5 | totalLength = sum (allLengths (words str)) in
| ^
When checking right hand side of average with expected type
When checking argument x to type constructor =:
Type mismatch between
Nat (Type of Main.average, wordCount str _)
_ -> _ (Is Main.average, wordCount str _ applied to too many arguments?)
Holes: Main.average
I know as much that I have declared average to return a Double but the declaration I have written for average doesn't return a double. This is where I'm stumped. I expected the cast
to do the job.
Your indentation's off. In the docs, they say
When writing Idris programs both the order in which definitions are given and indentation are significant ... New declarations must begin at the same level of indentation as the preceding declaration. Alternatively, a semicolon
can be used to terminate declarations.
Try this ...
average : String -> Double
average str
= let numWords = wordCount str
totalLength = sum (allLengths (words str)) in
cast totalLength / cast numWords
I guess in yours it's parsing everything in average
after wordCount str
as arguments to wordCount str
which leads to a type error cos Nat
doesn't take arguments