What are known causes for VB6 run-time Error 372 - Failed to Load Control Your version of may be outdated.
I have a activceX control built from several standard windows controls and a Far Point. The control is used in a VB6 desktop application. The behavior I am seeing is that this active control fails occasionally on some workstations. I have confirmed that the correct references are on the workstations. The odd part is, the control will not fail right away. It will work correctly on the Main form but fails when another form is opened.
It seems to be also tied with run-time 7 out of memory error. When these errors typically occur no unusual CPU or memory usage is shown in Task Manager.
Seems the issue may related to MSCOMCT2.OCX.
Any ideas.
First open up your form files (the file with the extension of FRM) in NOTEPAD makes sure the forms are truly referencing the same ActiveX Control. The references are near the top of the form. It is possible though uncommon that VB6 will mismatch the references between different forms.
Second look at this from Micrsoft. Make sure that the control is installed for All users and see if your problem goes way.
Problems like this are usually caused by a mismatch between the expected COM interface and the control that is loading.