I try to add left-side dropdown in filter.DateRange, but i don't know how to do it
I would like to user have possibilty to choose range or single date with '<' , '>' etc in one column.
I'm the author of Angular-Slickgrid
The left-side dropdown you're talking about is only available for Compound Filters and the Date Range is not a Compound Filter. There is no need and no use case for this Filter to be a Compound Filter, I will not add such feature. You can however set the Operator to be inclusive (>= date1 && <= date2
) or exclusive (> date1 && < date2
) in your column definition. The Range Filters versus Compound Filters are very different, you cannot add all operators of a Compound Filter into a Range Filter (<, <=, <>, >, >=) that just doesn't make any sense, what make sense on a range is to know if it's inclusive/exclusive and that is available just not dynamically.
this.columnDefinitions = [
id: 'finish', name: 'Finish', field: 'finish',
formatter: Formatters.dateIso,
type: FieldType.date,
filter: {
model: Filters.dateRange,
operator: OperatorType.rangeInclusive, // defaults to exclusive
// ...
If you really wish to somehow build a Compound Date Range Filter, your only option left would be to create your own Custom Filter, for that follow the instruction on the Wiki - Custom Filter, you could possible Extend the built-in Date Filter.