Hello How I can Create Roles with
ReadOnly(Select any Tables under the tablespace)
InsertUpdateRoleOnly(To insert and update Data ,not delete)
Under My tablespace with local access this users?
Tables are owned by someone. The owner grants privileges to other users or to roles; in your case, it'll be a role. As the role doesn't depend on a tablespace (you mentioned), you'd create it as simple as
create role r_read_only;
Then, the owner would grant SELECT
privilege on its tables to that role, e.g.
grant select on emp to r_read_only;
grant select on dept to r_read_only;
Such a role would be granted to other users, e.g.
grant r_read_only to littlefoot;
and user littlefoot
will be able to select from those tables.
The same goes for your another role, no difference:
create role r_upd_ins;
grant insert, update on emp to r_upd_ins;
grant r_upd_ins to bigfoot;