I tried calling a function while rendering a table, and based on condition in the function i assigned that value and displayed it using string interpolation, but i am getting infinite loop error.
Below is url for code
Below is function
checkData(day, time){
let that = this
let result = this.serverData.some(a=>{
if(a.Day === day && a.Time === time){
that.cellId = a.id
// This is giving infinite loop error
// if i chnage it to this then it works
// that.cellId = 'Some normal string'
return (a.Day === day && a.Time === time)
return result
HTML part
<tr v-for="(time, i) in time" :key="i">
<td v-for="(day, j) in day" :key="j">
<span v-if="checkData(day, time)">
<span v-else>
No data in this cell
Dont update props multiple times with different values within in render cycle. To seperate those you can just put it into a single component: e.g.:
props: ['time', 'day', 'serverData'],
computed: {
let val = "No data in this cell"
if(a.Day === this.day && a.Time === this.time){
val = a.id;return true;
return val