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select half of partition by for a sum()

I have a query that is calculating the sum of a partition by and giving me a running total by a category. this part works well, now, I would like the sum of only the top 50% of the partition by. maybe a table example will show:

║ col_1 ║ sum of partition by      ║ sum of 50% of partition by ║
║ 1     ║ 36  (this is 1+2+3+...8) ║ 10 (1+2+3+4)               ║
║ 2     ║ 35 (this is 2+3+4+....8) ║ 9 (2+3+4)                  ║
║ 3     ║ 34                       ║ 7 (3+4)                    ║
║ 4     ║ 33                       ║ 4                          ║
║ 5     ║ 32                       ║ null                       ║
║ 6     ║ 31                       ║ null                       ║
║ 7     ║ 30                       ║ null                       ║
║ 8     ║ 29                       ║ null                       ║

right now I'm doing

 sum(col_)  over(partition by <another col> order by <a third col>) as [sum of partition by ]

then I later need to add another column for this calculation over the 25% so you get the idea.


  • You can use conditional logic by enumerating the rows and filtering. The following uses standard SQL syntax:

    select x,
           sum(x) over (order by x desc),
           sum(x) filter (where seqnum <= 0.5 * cnt) over (order by x desc),
           sum(x) filter (where seqnum <= 0.25 * cnt) over (order by x desc)
    from (select x, count(*) over () as cnt,
                 row_number() over (order by x) as seqnum
          from generate_series(1, 8, 1) gs(x) 
         ) x
    order by x;

    Here is a db<>fiddle.

    Although standard, Postgres is the only database that supports filter. The logic can easily be replaced with sum(case . . .).

    Here is a db<>fiddle using SQL Server instead. The corresponding code is:

    with gs as (
          select 1 as x union all
          select x + 1 from gs where x < 8
    select x,
           sum(x) over (order by x desc),
           sum(case when seqnum <= 0.5 * cnt then x end) over (order by x desc),
           sum(case when seqnum <= 0.25 * cnt then x end) over (order by x desc)
    from (select x, count(*) over () as cnt,
                 row_number() over (order by x) as seqnum
          from gs
         ) x
    order by x;